IBRO-APRC Ulaanbaatar Associate School on Brain-Related Disorders

The goal of the school is to equip participants with theoretical knowledge on recent advances in pathological mechanisms, diagnostics, and treatment of brain-related disorders covering neurological, neurosurgical and neuropsychiatric diseases. Basic techniques in...

IBRO Rising Stars Awards

Closed | 11 September – 11 October | The IBRO Rising Stars Awards aim to increase the successful transition and retention of diverse, early career neuroscientists into academic positions by providing funds to make a significant difference in their research...

Brain Awareness Week Grants 2025

Closed | 1 September – 1 October 2023 | IBRO/Dana Brain Awareness Week (BAW) Grants aim to educate the public about the benefits of neuroscience research and increase awareness about the wonders of the brain by increasing opportunities for outreach and awareness...

IBRO Meetings Support 2025

Closed: 03 July – 03 August 2023 | The IBRO Meetings Support program supports funding requests from symposia, short courses, workshops, and meeting organizers on important topics in neuroscience. Preference will be given to activities that include younger...

Global Engagement Seed Grants

Global Engagement Seed Grants support neuroscience societies, groups, and organizations in the Asia/Pacific, African, Latin American, Middle Eastern and Pan-European regions that would like to conduct outreach and engagement activities in their local areas. These...