Membership Categories


IBRO is composed of the following member categories:

•  Scientific Members (society / federation / academic)

•  Corporate Members

•  Affiliate Members


Scientific Members (society / federation / academic)

A Scientific Member is a neuroscience society, National Academy of Science, Research Council or institute, Foundation, Federation and similar scientific organization within the field of brain sciences. 

  • Scientific Society Member (SSM): Organizations that represent individual member scientists as direct members;
  • Scientific Federation Member (SFM): Organizations that principally federate other scientific organizations with individual member scientists as direct members;
  • Scientific Academic Member (SAM): Organizations that do not directly or indirectly represent individual member scientists.

Scientific Members pays an annual subscription to IBRO, the amount of which is in relation to the individual category of the organization and in accordance with the fee categories decided by the Executive Committee. They are by default represented by the president of the member society who serves on the IBRO Governing Council with voting rights in relation to the size of their membership. Upon request, Scientific Members are entitled to appoint a different board member representative to represent the member towards IBRO.


Corporate Members

Corporate Membership is open to commercial companies, for-profit foundations and research institutes or other professional and financial entities that align with and support IBRO s mission. Non-profit entities are not eligible for Corporate Membership of IBRO and shall be considered for a Scientific or Affiliate Membership. Each Corporate Member shall select one representative from their membership to serve on the Governing Council, normally with no votes. Corporate Membership of IBRO may however be offered within a tiered membership structure.


Affliate Members

Affiliate Members are organizations, groups of scientists or other informal entities with activities and interests that align with those of IBRO. There is no formal requirement for incorporation status for Affiliate Members and no fee is associated with the Affiliate membership. Affiliate members are not eligible to attend the Governing Council meetings and do not have voting rights.