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The aim of this school is to educate East African trainees and early career researchers in neurodegenerative disorders impairment and dementia in all contexts.


About the school:

The school will address neurodegenerative disorders which cause disability and dementia. Each day a new topic under the general theme of neurodegeneration will be presented, including common dementias, diseases of the eye, movement disorders and mental health disorders, including depressive illness. We will also discuss transmissible proteinopathies or prion-like mechanisms (prion diseases and amyloid beta) from experimental models to reality.

The afternoon sessions will feature clinical cases and experimental models. In the evenings, there will be sessions on research ethics, history of notable neuropsychiatrists, survival skills including writing abstracts, manuscripts and making oral presentations. As time allows, we will also discuss how to recognise the features that are important in diagnostic neurodegenerative pathology using digital records.

Who should apply to this school?

Postgraduate students, trainees and early career researchers in East Africa

What costs will be covered for selected participants?

Accommodation and small stipend towards travel

Application dates:
June 19 – July 19, 2023

School dates and location:

November 26 – December 1, 2023

University of Nairobi


Apply HERE

For any queries, please contact