IBRO-USRC Fellowship for NSP Scholars and Associates 2021

The US-Canada Regional Committee of IBRO (International Brain Research Organization) offers fellowships in 2021. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who are current Neuroscience Scholars Program (NSP) scholars or associates are eligible to apply for IBRO fellowships that will provide up to $5,000 to attend national or international workshops, courses and conferences to increase opportunities for learning, networking and collaborations. Examples of eligible activities include MBL and CSHL advanced neuroscience courses (see list below), the Allen Institute for Brain Science/UW Computational Neuroscience Center Summer Workshop on the Dynamic Brain, Gordon Conferences, the International Neuroethics Society Meeting, and the International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting. For MBL and CSHL courses, interested trainees should submit applications directly to the courses of interest (see below for list of eligible courses). Evaluation of applications for MBL and CSHL and offers of admission to those courses are made by the course leaders. Upon admission to these courses, NSP scholars and associates may apply for a fellowship.

Applications should include a current c.v., description of the course/conference to be attended, and the relationship of the course/conference to the applicant’s scientific and career development.

Up to 7 awardees will be selected in 2021 by the USCRC and will be designated IBRO Fellows. Funds will be awarded directly to the Fellows to support course/conference registration/tuition and travel. Questions about whether a specific course or conference is eligible for this fellowship may be directed to Dr. Anne Etgen (anne[dot]etgen[at]einsteinmed[dot]org).

Note that the deadlines for applications range from January – August. 

Check these links for details.

MBL:  http://www.mbl.edu/education/courses/

CSHL: https://meetings.cshl.edu/courseshome.aspx

Allen/UW Summer Workshop on the Dynamic Brain: https://alleninstitute.org/what-we-do/brain-science/events-training/summer-workshop-dynamic-brain/

Apply here.