IBRO-ECC Open Resources

Life sciences, particularly neuroscience research, thrives on the intersection of several fields. The intersection of molecular-genetic methods, physiological approaches, and quantitative/computational methods to analyze data are making cutting-edge scientific questions increasingly accessible. Many of these new intersections are made possible by recent developments in fabrication. Technologies such as 3D-printing, laser cutting and micro-milling are reducing the cost barrier for experiments by an order of magnitude. These new advances are in line with IBRO’s core philosophy to develop and promote neuroscience research, promote exchange of ideas and assist in education and dissemination of the latest developments in brain research.

To this end, we list several online resources for training, fabrication, and communication below which focus on the increasingly popular and effective Maker’s movement in the neurosciences. Custom code, building plans, and 3D-print files to create essential laboratory equipment and implement analysis routines at a fraction of the cost are available through the links below.


1) http://www.open-ephys.org/ – tools for electrophysiology research

2) http://openbehavior.com/ – many behavioral infrastructure tools

3) http://www.open-ephys.org/cyclops/ – open optogenetics

4) https://www.waterscope.org/shop/ -open fluorescent microscope

5) https://www.minipcr.com/ – open mol bio equipment

6) https://iorodeo.com/ – more open molecular biology


1) http://www.neuromatic.thinkrandom.com/ – electrophys

2) http://scanimage.vidriotechnologies.com/display/SIH/ScanImage+Home – two-photon imaging

3) https://orange.biolab.si/ – open big data analysis software


1) http://ovilab.net/neuronify/–  neuron and neural circuit simulator; can get on your phone; programmable with several kinds of neurons

2) labrigger.com – a great aggregator for open hardware for neuro

3) CNC machining masterclass – three-part engineering masterclass series where Fictiv engineers and product design experts teach students how to minimize the challenges of CNC machining to design parts for their project.